CSR – How create a new CSR without interferring with the valid certificate

How create a new CSR without interferring with the valid certificate

  1.  Create a new web-site on the server where the certificate is going to be installed. This new site is just a “dummy-site” only used for create a CSR and to install the certificate with.
  2.  Choose to remove the certificate on this ”Dummy-Site”
  3. Choose to create a new Certificate. You will here get the possibility to fill in values in the mandatory fields (Common Name, Organization, Locality, State/Province and Country) If you want to have information in moore fields that is OK.
  4. Save the request.
  5. Don’t start this webserver.
  6. When you have got your new certificate, install it on this ”Dummy-site”.
  7. When you have installed the new certificate you can replace the old one with the new one on your regular site.
  8. You can now remove your ”Dummy-Site”.
  9.  Restart the IIS.


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